Protection From Abuse Orders (PFA’S)
PFA’s are a civil remedy designed to give protection to individuals who have been placed in reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury by; family or household members, sexual or intimate partners who persons who share biological parenthood.
PFA’s can have significant collateral consequences beyond restraining the respondent from contacting the Petitioner. PFA’s give the Court the power to, among other things; remove the respondent from home; enter an Order for custody; and confiscate the firearms of the respondent.
Though PFA’s are civil, violating a PFA is a criminal matter. If found guilty of contempt of a PFA Order, the Court can Order fines up to $1,000.00, and up to six months in jail. Violation of a temporary PFA that is pending final hearing carries the same potential punishment of violating a final Order.
Experienced counsel should be retained whether you are in need of a PFA, or have had a PFA petition filed against you.